Development status for

Conference Dashboard

Hello. I'm Drew, VE1DRU.

I support Martin, VE1KLR on the tech side of the 420 Network, in support for it to be what it is; a platform for Amateur Radio Ragchew. It's crosslinked to many different modes, made possible by some fine Amateur Radio Operators from around the globe. They hardlink their crosslinked nodes, or RF nodes to the system. It really helps, and makes it easy to connect to the 420 network.

So, a bit about what I do around here, I develop and maintain a few of the core services for the 420 Network.

Currently, I have the pleasure of offering the following services:

This offers a High Availability Network to help the 420 Network run smoothly.

"Conference Dashboard":

While developing the 420 Network, we needed a dashboard to oversee what's happening on the network as a whole, combining all of the crosslinked modes, and various links. This type of dashboard didn't seem to exist, so I've been making one, and this is the changelog for it.

It's currently in the ALPHA stage of software development, or in other words, it receives large changes, and is probably buggy. At this stage, it's more or less a proof of concept. It's going to be just information thrown at the screen. As of now, I've learned how to work with the various reflector software. So, I'm currently creating a user interface that will better fit what it's become, detailed in the changelog below.

I enjoy building this page, but I only get to play with it in my spare time, so development is slow.

You will find a full changelog below, with details of what the dashboard can do now, and any planned upcoming features.

"Conference Dashboard" currently supports the following reflector software:

The source code for "Conference Dashboard", and it's supporting scripts and software, is not available for download at this time. They will be released on a future date under the GPLv3 or (at your option) any later version of the GNU General Public License.

Thank you for taking interest,
73, Drew

Any comments?
Contact *420* Ham Radio .Network

All timestamps are in my (VE1DRU) local time,
to reflect real code commit timestamps from my prospective.

Current local time for VE1DRU: 2025-02-17 16:49 pm
Located in: Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Timezone: America/Edmonton)

## TODO:

- Support xlxd (dstar)
- Support Allstar
- Support Echolink proxy


- Complete page rewrite to enable drag and drop of page components, and user select-able themes.
- Support remote theBridge server.
- Add the qrz database
  - add a map of stations
  - add name next to callsign
- Add personal messages to other admins on the site.
- Add a demo user to show what the admin side of the page looks like.
- make all log files search-able.


2020-07-26 23:30 pm - v0.1.1 alpha
  - Added Muses Radio Player to stream live audio from the system, via an Icecast2 server.
  - Changed the "Listen Live" link in the main menu to auto-play the Muses Radio Player.
2019-06-15 22:54 pm - v0.1.0 alpha
  - Added 420 logo graphics
  - Added more information to the "Server Stats" section.
  - Added YSFReflector support.
  - Added option to hide "Online RF Stations".
  - Moved "Online RF Stations" down the page.
  - Moved "Server Status" to the "Server Stats" section.
  - Renamed "Server Status" to "Echolink status".
  - Fixed issue with newlines in chat messages.
  - Optimized CSS and JavaScript using
2019-02-23 23:52 pm - v0.0.6 alpha
  - Moved all commands into the Advanced section of the site.
  - Added a universal back button, for ease of site navigation.
  - Added a link to a live copy of each previous version of this site to the changelog page.
  - Added a quick settings section to the advanced page.
  - lots of styling and moving things around the page.
  - Converted the logs to use the viewers timezone.
  - Added qrz link to callsigns in the logs.
  - Added a recording section to the advanced page.
  - Modified the Online stations list to show stations that are logged in via another station.
2019-02-16 18:09 pm - v0.0.5 alpha
  - Organized the user interface.
    - Moved all of the admin commands from the station list to a dropdown menu.
    - Moved some station info to a mouseover tooltip in the station list.
  - Added an option to color code permanent stations.
  - Added an "All stations" command section.
  - Added the number of online RF stations.
2019-02-03 00:54 am - v0.0.4 alpha
  - Officially titled the project, Conference Dashboard.
  - Rewrote qrz lookup code.
  - Added Banned Stations.
  - Added Server stats.
2019-01-26 00:40 am - v0.0.3 alpha
  - Added option to change the sender of a chat message.
2019-01-21 00:15 am - v0.0.2 alpha
  - Mass organization of the code.
  - Added a database
  - Added a changelog section.
  - Added a advanced section.
  - Added a profile section.
  - Added theBridge daemon config and server controls to the advanced section.
  - Added option to change user password to the profile section.
  - Added a talk timer to record the length of transmissions.
  - Added personal user login.
  - Added cookies to save login set for one week.
[before the changelog] - v0.0.1 alpha
  - Created a new project based on code from EcholinkConfMgr by WD6AWP, KC4YOZ and WB6YMH.
  - Added a user login system.
  - Added a user role system to restrict page elements.
  - Added Connect a station.
  - Added Edit the Conference description. 
  - Added Send chat messages.
  - Added Set server busy status.
  - Added display the server status.
  - Added display number of online stations.
  - Added section for link and repeater stations.
  - Added section for logs.
  - Added Chat log tab.
  - Added Server log tab.
  - Added Split mode tab, for viewing multiple logs.
  - Added Offline last heard tab.
  - Added an on/off switch for the data update timer.
  - Added mouseover tooltips to give more information about certain page items.
  - Added a filter so all callsigns are now linked to qrz.